When You Love What You Do, You Will Never Have to Work A Day in Your Life!
"Educating the mind without educating the heart
is no education at all."
Dear St. Stephen of Hungary Family,
I am so grateful to be an integral part of this faith-filled community. When I shared with my sons, Joseph and Harrison, that I was accepting this position, they hugged me and said, "Mom...you find a way to love every child that you come across. You are meant to do this!" They were right. I was meant to be back in the gift of Catholic Education where students are grounded and nurtured in striving for academic excellence by knowing that God is forever present in their lives and by reminding them look for the signs of God's love all around them.
Each morning, after sending my sons off to their schools, I hurry to SSoH for the highlight of my day: standing with Ms. Burke outside to greet the smiling faces of our children, parents, caregivers and teachers as they enter the building! It's hard to compare anything to the joy that our students bring to the start of their school day!
May this school year continue to bring joy, success, good health and perseverance to us all.
Keep smiling!
Ms. Genova-Hall
Helping My Son Organize His Materials for Remote Learning
Hi All,
To help Harrison with his external organization, he and I set up this file box and shared with his teachers. I'm sharing with you because we're "all in this together"!
Coping During COVID-19 (Child Mind Institute)
Engaging yourself and your family in positive growth during uncertain times.
I came across some interesting ideas for families during COVID "Captivity"!
Calling All Rising 6th - 8th Graders Interested in STEM
Dear Parents,
Here's another link for NYU's K-12 STEM. This one focuses on
technology and STEM concepts for the cities of the future.
Calling All Rising 6th-8th Graders Interested in STEM!
Dear Parents,
While working at ELRo for seven years, I cultivated partnerships with various city organizations to provide Internship and Service Learning Opportunities for HS students. I am still very much connected with these organizations and when I get information about their offerings for Middle Schoolers, I will be posting there on my page. Please let me know if you are interested and want help with applications.
The one below is for NYU's STEM Summer Program for students interested in the science of sound.

Quote from the Author of Brave Parenting and Parallel Process, Krissy Posatek.

Here is another book I highly recommend!
Anyone interested in having a Book Club with me?

Saint Stephens of Hungary Final Talk
Hello SSoH Community!
At the PA meeting on Nov. 5th, we had the pleasure of having Dr. Levy-Warren speak to parents about EF skills and how to strengthen them at home. Uploaded here are the Power Point slides to which she spoke to. We are going to continue the conversation around EF with parents and teachers through out this school year, so be on the lookout for more information!
Be well,